Social Protection in the Age of Climate Change

Climate change is emerging as a central driver of poverty and inequality across the Asia-Pacific region and impacts are projected to become more severe over time. Even if we manage to limit long-term global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, up to 85 per cent of the region’s population is expected to be exposed to multiple climate hazards, including frequent and intensified storms, floods, heatwaves, and long-term threats like sea-level rise.

Climate change reinforces poverty and inequality

Leaving no one behind amid climate change in Asia and the Pacific

Leaving no one behind amid climate change in Asia and the Pacific

Over 4 in 5 people in Asia and the Pacific face multi-hazard risks associated with slow or sudden onset climate events. However, the degree of exposure is by no means uniform across individuals and households and diversity prevails in vulnerability to and capacity to cope with climate change.


Strengthening Social Protection Financing in the Era of Climate Change

The need for robust social protection systems has never been more critical. As extreme climate events and economic instabilities become more frequent, the demand for comprehensive social protection that can support people during life-cycle contingencies, life and work transitions, and shocks and crisis linked to climate change grows. Yet, in many countries, the effectiveness of social protection systems hinges on sustainable financing. Understanding the complexities of funding social protection amid the evolving challenges of climate change is essential to building resilient societies.